Hello internet. Not much happening today, had a light day as most Mondays - after classes went back to Garf to pick up a few things (like my Presidential Seal M&Ms, West Wing DVDs, The Great Gatsby , a Seal of the State of Ohio, and an ironing board among other things. David bought an iPod touch with his own earned money from work! >/ I am not happy. This whole "getting an education" thing is suddenly seeming annoying. But before my day went a tad bit sourer, this morning I woke up and while wandering the internet found THIS awesome website that produced the following pictures: Omg, that's so awesome! Lol, its Barack Obama's inauguration - in LEGO's! Also among pictures I found while wandering today, behind the scenes images from Heroes : Elle, from the episode she's killed in. The funny caption for this image is "Dear Diary, its been one of Those days..." OH! And can I just disclaim my disagreement with the decision to move Heroes , who...