
Showing posts from March, 2009

It Never Ends

Well, I'd hoped this would be an easy week but I can see its going to be similarly busy as last week. Last week as I've complained repeatedly, I had that "Impeachment of Andrew Johnson" paper that I managed to turn in at 6:15am (due 10:30am) on Thursday. Then came a little less then a day of rest (well, Thursday is my busy day but it felt like a day of rest!) Then came board trainer, which was tons of fun this weekend! Got to see the District Board people, and made some good friendships that I think will make this year easier. And of course grew closer to my fellow Akron-ers that traveled with me, and got to meet Natalie's family and see her house - both of which were pretty cool! Board trainer was a combination of fun when it could be and boring as training should be expected to be. I was not a big fan of the food, and the speeches certainly were hard to stay awake for (especially considering the ridiculous hours, sleep at 2am wake up 7:30am.) And the water smell...

Spring Break, or: Let the Procrastination Begin!

Well that was a fun week! I wish I could have updated this more, but I do not have ANY internet at home now :/ mom got rid of the phone line, so I don't even have dial-up anymore. Oh the ups and downs this break has taken, but its been exciting! I kinda want classes to start back up, but mainly I wish I had another week cause I do not want to do the things I have to do by tomorrow :( so posting this is mainly procrastination from my Andrew Johnson paper. Lets see, so much has gone on, but yet, still nothing: lol. Shopping fun with Patsy, Barnes and Noble fun with Jen, hung out with some Circle K friends, took a random road trip to Pittsburgh and let me tell you: there's nothing in Pittsburgh! I mean, goddang! Came home, had to deal with David's uncooked rice bowls u.u; and mom's craziness. But got to hang with Amanda which I never get to do which was fun! And Danielle, who I don't get to see often! And Wednesday got to go to a Baldwin-Wallace Circle K event with J...

Boring Tuesday

Yeah, nothing particularly of note happened today. Wanted to sleep in but had to be up for my 8-10am shift, then got Rob's, took a nap before my 1:45 class only to wake up at like 1:35 and still have to like shower and change. Watched a movie on Lewis and Clark in history, then College Dems at 4:30, then went and visited Patsy at the Circle K office. "Is there a board meeting in the office?" "No, but I'm in the office and I'm bored!" lol. Went to get Starbucks, only to screw up my order ("Apple Chai frappuchino with whipped cream and carmel drizzle." Not supposed to have added the "frappuchino" part.) The lady got GRRR-angry at me, lol, so I'm thinking I'm gonna steer clear of Starbucks for a while. Then the Circle K meeting went well, and we went to Denny's afterward for some more fun! Actually, as a result of this experience I'm moving Starbucks back into the "Active Lentan Items"... My Lent Item: Meat Star...

Spring Break Plans, Part Two

Party went well. Sundway was relatively uninteresting, spent much of it napping in Garfield. Came back, did gang dinner, came up with some one-day trip plans for Spring Break sort'of. Err@economy, I wanted to go to new york >O Then went to work, Sisler was closed so I had to climb in through the desk window - lol. That was an experience. But not much today, watched some Sabrina DVD's at home, and now over spring break I have to bug David to figure out what he's doing for college >>;; yeah, that's not MOM'S job or anything... also I have to make him figure out what he wants to do for Senior Project as well. South Park Andrew. Quote of the Day: "Jingle, jingle, jingle, in my FACE-FACE-FACE!" - Brit, pissed-idly remembering my waking her up with my keys that morning. lol Funny site of the Day: Pundit Kitchen. (Source of pic above) One of Sarah's guys found this I think, alot of "Fail/lolcatz" on political pictures, lol, It's been ...

Circle K shopping and Sibs Weekend

So last night I worked 2-4pm, and today I worked 4-8pm, and let me just say -- I HATE working day shifts. Without my labtop, there is nothing to do! I brought books, but I didn't read them, lol, never do :/ But yes, yesterday got to hang with Danielle and her friend Elise and her sister who came up to see Brit's play, then they came over and played DDR in the fifth floor social lounge, that was fun. Went to bed at like 4, then a random thunderstorm (that disapeared as randomly as it happened) woke me up at like 7, went back to sleep, broken phone woke me up at 9! Went back to sleep. Actually woke up at 10, went to the Circle K project-- Which was "Shop for Childrens Hospital". We had club funds raised up to buy things the Children's Hospital needs to give to children like toys and teething rings and so-and-such. Got 13 people, nice number, ended up going over to Montrose for Dollar Tree and Target. It was fun, and Kat complimented my executive decision making skil...


Woo/bleh, Tuesdays are busy days. Got my W2's finally and gonna use the UA-ASG free taxprep service, went to Polski's Dep of Foreign Programs and found out my application will go through next week and I'll be contact woowoo, Grandpa got my new cell phone battery, speaker at College Dems, and of course the Circle K meeting. Then work and a paper due tomorrow :( (Watching CSPAN) lol, the Prime Minister of Britain (Gordon Brown) just joked with Obama about how they have to work out together sometime, that he's not good at basketball but maybe tennis. Quote of the Day: "Are you on the list of people I send things to?" "You *send* things to people!?" (Me and girl from my U.S. History sine 1877 class, lol - the way she said it seemed really funny to me at the time.) Song of the Day: "Good Morning, Baltimore" - Hairspray (2007). I woke up this morning, looked at my wall and the sunlight looked weird and this song just started playing in my head ...

Clubbin' and Rice

Fine! Dang it. I won't buy the shirt, jeesh. Popular opinion of the shirt I expressed interest in in my previous post has been more negative than the reaction to Bobby Jindal's Response-to-the-Not/so/State-of-the-Union. Which was BAD. Summarizing: The Governor of Louisiana, a Republican of Indian decent, thought by some to be a possibility for the 2012 presidential nomination responded -as is customary - to the President's address on the stimulus package. He was pretty badly lampooned, one reason being he complained, and I quote, about Obama asking for money for "something called Volcano monitoring?" The Governor of *coughNewOrleanscough* Louisiana, is complaining about money to fund natural disaster monitoring? Seriously? 30 Rock fans will get it. So, to my loyal readers, I apologize for it being a week since I last posted. Throughout the week I come up with bits and pieces of posts then don't post them. So this weekend was a blast!!! First I saw Brit's p...