There was a BLOG here, it's gone now.
Yo readers. So today was a bit'a fun - bought me a PS2! Yes, you're thinking "so what?" But not having a major system in so long has been draining my youthful vigor, and what is a college student without one? Also, I now have a DVD player so *Yes!* Cause that TV deserves a good movie night or two. Can I just say that -- the phrase "Google Gadget" bring a grin to my face. It has something to do with things Google can do I guess, but it makes me think of inspector gadget immediately. Now as ya'll will know, my birthday is coming up this February. So I compiled a list of some things I want. Not particularly what I expect my friends to get me, just a thought exercise of some items I feel like getting/buying in the months ahead. Birthday Wish List! Any Spryo game that isn't "Enter the Dragonfly"!!! (Which is one of the only games I have left at home.) The Spyro's are really pretty much some of the best games ever! And this way, next winter...