First, a hair update. The dying went interestingly to say the least. I was reminded once again of how much of a cry baby I am, can't stand a little scorching burning sensation. While I was aiming for something along the lines of this , Circle K members seem to think I hit more of a Nazi kid from the movie "The Pacifier" -- I've actually never seen it, but Tiffany owns it and I'll have to borrow it sometime. (Googling a bit, this guy is likely who they're referring to.) Ugh, so had another stressful day. Since waking up I pretty much hadn't had five minutes to just sit down, and literally finally found 3 minutes to eat a Banquet in the middle of the day (roommates judge how they want - when I only have 3 minutes for a meal, I'm really not all that picky.) Got to vote, picked up my check from home, and took a wrong turn on the high way and ended up taking 8 South to 77. (Two separate ways to get to Akron, but taking one to the other was a major waste of ...