Legislation Exacerbation
Well, it's been a busy month. And to be honest, I've just been too exhausted in my free time to blog! Even my Desk Manager at Honors has commented on how I haven't been as bubbly as I used to be this semester. But I'm enjoying the business, and the productivity it has spawned. In ASG this past week, I got my second piece of legislation on the agenda (where most senators have yet to get their first.) My first one was Wind Turbines, the second: free parking on weekends. This was an easy thing, rather than weeks of research like with the wind turbines - this was just changing the policy to reflect what is enforced, and what most other Universities around do as well. We don't ticket for not showing a parking pass on weekends at the University of Akron, but out policy says we ticket 24/7 and visitors must pay 6$ to get into an unmanned lot. That's ridiculous, because no body uses the lot - everyone parks in the deck - but if someone did Want to follow the rules, t...