
Showing posts from October, 2010

Legislation Exacerbation

Well, it's been a busy month. And to be honest, I've just been too exhausted in my free time to blog! Even my Desk Manager at Honors has commented on how I haven't been as bubbly as I used to be this semester. But I'm enjoying the business, and the productivity it has spawned. In ASG this past week, I got my second piece of legislation on the agenda (where most senators have yet to get their first.) My first one was Wind Turbines, the second: free parking on weekends. This was an easy thing, rather than weeks of research like with the wind turbines - this was just changing the policy to reflect what is enforced, and what most other Universities around do as well. We don't ticket for not showing a parking pass on weekends at the University of Akron, but out policy says we ticket 24/7 and visitors must pay 6$ to get into an unmanned lot. That's ridiculous, because no body uses the lot - everyone parks in the deck - but if someone did Want to follow the rules, t...

Dogs Don't Know It's a Tie!

Omg. So I'm googling around as I often do, and I am having to physically restrain myself from buying... It's just. So. AWESOME! Lol, but after a few wearings for shock and laugh value, I feel like there are few professional situations I could get away with wearing this to. I probably couldn't wear it to student teaching umm-ever. Internship. Job interview. ASG meetings, perhaps, if we had a vote on more Vegan options. See my dilemma? UGH! And there's a matching wallet ... The watch I could probably get away with. :( BUT NOW I WANT THE WHOLE SET... You can imagine Why I want these bacon-inspired accessories... Haha, Ohhh Lady Gaga... So funny story. The Key of Awesome's parody of Bad Romance jokingly referred to her crazy outfits and suggested she had a "...bathing suit made out of raw meat..." low and behold, almost a YEAR later it had come true! hahaha, I can't help but wonder if she got the idea from the Key of Awesome parodies. Well...

Not What You Would Expect

So interesting weekend. Saturday night, Patsy, Kat, Brit, Sarah and I went and saw The Social Network . Hm. That was an interesting movie. It was a good drama, the plot was definitely interesting... but it's been advertised a bit more as a comedy than I would say. Having seen it, I hereby pronounce it "okay." If I could go back, I'd be okay renting it rather than seeing it in theaters. Having read the movie's Wikipedia article on the other hand, the reviewers apparently love it -- but what do they know. They're all giving it full scores (five out of five stars, 4 out of 4 thumb-ups, etc.) and calling it "the movie of the year." Um, I certainly hope not. It had its good parts, but it was pretty boring. (Movie-actors on the left, Real folk on the right! Cite: This Blog .) Reminds me of "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" -- which was promoted as a horror/scary movie about an exorcism, but actually more closely resembled an episode of Law & O...

Bitch and Boast Friday

So in Mr. Hart's class in High School, every Friday we went around the room and bitched or boasted about whatever. Well, it's Friday -- after 8pm and I'm working the desk til midnight. And blah, it's been a long, and neutral-leaning-bad day x_X First of all, I'm sick which is obviously really really annoying. This is what I've taken ... it's also a dietary supplement, but I've still been hungry, so I dunno what that means... It started yesterday morning, just out of no where, started feeling sick more and more throughout the day. Then last night I couldn't take it any more and decided to go to bed at like 10:00 (definitely the earliest I've gone to bed in years.) Woke up at like 12:30, 4:30, and 8:45.... yigh. Went to Presidency and Congress class, nothing particularly special going on. Both classes have big tests next Friday. I need to start learning all of the Representatives from Ohio , cause Dr. Cohen has claimed that they'll be on a...

Don't tell the Tea Party...

Man, talk about sucking at life! I feel like I start every blog with "Sorry I've been so busy for WEEKS!" My life should not be so busy that I can't chronicle it to remember it by. So, although I have a bunch of back-stories to catch up on, I'm skipping ahead to today. Woke up dead tired, went to Geography class (test on the Arabian peninsula! 100% I'm betting. I rock at maps.) Could BARELY stay awake for the lecture after the test, I was like head-falling-over falling asleep. But I did wake up for the brief 30 seconds when the teacher explained why Asians love tea so much: the water there used to (pre-indoor plumbing) be inherently really bacteria filled. Probably related to the fact that Westerners used cow manure for farming fertilizer, but in Asia human manure was much more popular (which observing long term trends probably relates to how Europe pwned the 20th century.) But I digress. Because the water was so bacteria filled, it could only be consumed af...