
Showing posts from December, 2009


Kinda like a carbon footprint, your eFootprint is the trail you leave on the internet just by interneting and doing whatever in modern times. If you're involved in really anything and not a hermit, you're name is probably on the internet somewhere. Well, I was googling my last name (as I often do, trying to find something interesting) and there's alot more about *ME* personally (googling my first and last name) than I have usually come up with!!! Not so creepy: I'm in the University of Akron Honors College's magazine (or I was a while ago) regarding the Fred Eastman memorial scholarship. (LINK) I'm on page 2. Not so creepy: An organization that promotes clean energy used a video they took of me asking why I support the Green Energy movement-y thing. I don't really say anything revealing or interesting. Visible below: Pretty darn creepy: There are online flashcards to learn details about me. Not just me, but alot of Circle K members including Sarah, Mike...

The Loot

Morning boys and girls, Christmas in my house was not as bad as I'd worried! Mom got the presents right for Sure this year! (By actually shopping for the stuff on our list, surprising but its a method that works...) I made off with the list that follows! 1. "Team of Rivals" by Doris Kearns Goodwin . Book about Lincoln's cabinet that inspired Obama to select his cabinet. Number 1 New York Times best-seller! 2. "Rated R" CD by Rihanna . Woohoo! I've been hoping to buy a Rihanna CD, I don't have any yet. Listening to it now, looking for a song of the day. 3. "Star Trek" (new Movie) 2 disc special edition DVD . WOOHOO! Watched the special features already! Glad no one tried to get me the Star Trek movie without the special features, cause that puts me in an awkward position of "well, I want the special features, but I don't want to buy a second copy..." which is why if you're going to get me a DVD, try to be careful about Spec...

'Twas the Blog Before Christmas

Okay, this one'll be brief. I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I'll blog again about what I got, and hopefully not complain about what mom got me and instead be thankful she got me anything. From what I know, she certainly put more thought into Christmas shopping this year than she has in the last few and I should be more thankful. I do love'r after all. Hope everyone has a safe, and merry Christmas with their loved ones! I still have to update the past couple blogs, and get other stuff in my life in order this break, oh boy, so much to do... A few quick stories: got to see the house in Garfield who's Christmas lights are tuned to music on a radio station, that was fun! Got to hang out with the Garfield gang at Mongolian BBQ from which Danielle stole me a cup, also fun! Today went to Grandma's for Christmas Eve - mom got her a snuggie, and despite my embarrassment Grandma and everyone thought it was an awesome super fantastic amazing gift. Quote of the ...

It's Good to be in D.C.

What a good day! Me and Sarah decided a random, not too planned-ahead road trip was in order the first opportunity we were both able to go over break. And after initially considering Chesapeake Bay, based on a book I once read and my recent taste for mussels - we decided on Washington D.C.! We originally hoped for a two-day trip :( but a bunch of things got in the way on Tuesday, so we ended up leaving pretty late and getting to DC at like 8. The trip down was interesting, got to talk with my baby tons :D and explore different radio stations. And all through Pennsylvania, that Damned rock chased us! By which, I mean to reference the fact that whenever I pass through PA I laugh at the fact that there's tons of signs that say "FALLING ROCK" (pictured), shouldn't it be falling rocks? Is there this one Rock that's falling they're warning us about? This funny thing was first noticed by me and Alex on our trip to Intercourse, PA back in... 07 I think? Anyway, moving...

What the F*** is going on with Tiger Woods? Quote of the Day: Hahahaha, for funny reasons that are a long story -- I found a guide to guys based on their astrological sign (something I know Brit is into) and wanted to see what they would say about me. This line in particular caught my attention. " With him, you will never [have] to worry about money. It will somehow come into his hands. " Video of the Day: HAHAHA! This is AWESOME! On the Conan Tonight Show, he occasionally has William Shatner (Original Captain Kirk) come on to read Sarah Palin's speeches or Twitter Tweets as if they were interpretive poetry. Well, recently I guess Sarah Palin came on and read from his own Autobio. Hearing Palin say "Spock" and "Star Trek" -- mixure of my two favorite things, politics and Star Trek, rofl. Song of the Day: "My Whole Family" by Bo Burnham . AHhhahahaha, this was pretty funny. It helps that this is set...

The Day Norway Støød Still

Blah@ the Norwegian alphabet , just trying to form a pun but it's being difficult. So, was takin a gander at the current events feed on Wikipedia when I came across this interesting tidbit... "Strange Light Show over Norway" Yeah, I know, it looks computer generated -- but it's not. There are many pictures like this taken from across the country of Norway (location pictured below) of an unidentified object in the night sky that produced a strange eerie blue tail, and then proceeded to create a spiral effect. I've since found some interesting European reports on it... "The mystery began when a blue light seemed to soar up from behind a mountain in the north of the country. It stopped mid-air, then began to move in circles. Within seconds a giant spiral had covered the entire sky. Then a green-blue beam of light shot out from its centre - lasting for ten to 12 minutes before disappearing completely. Onlookers describing it as 'like a big fireball that wen...

2009 Year in Review

Well, it's December 1st - the first day of the last month of the year. To some, time goes by unnoticed except for the fact that we'll be celebrating Christmas break, Christmas, and New Years Eve soon. But I'm a historian, one interested in the past and the future - and how the future will look back at us. If November is any indication, December is gonna fly past faster than any of us are ready for! A new day in America First, lets look back at what happened in the year 2009: Barack Obama was inaugurated as America's first Black President, Hillary became Secretary of State, and Sarah Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska so she can just fly around and bother the rest of us, the Swine Flu pandemic swept the globe and invaded the vocabulary of everyone on Earth, those American reporters were arrested in North Korea - and later released with Bill Clinton's help, the 2016 Olympics were decided for Rio de Janeiro, President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize before his time, ...