
Showing posts from June, 2012


Well, after staying up until 4 am playing Monopoly (with new Jenna Marblesian rules), getting two hours of sleep, and then attending a board meeting from 9 to 3; I napped from like 5PM (ish?) to 9:30AM SUNDAY MORNING -- lol. I don't know if I love or hate that feeling of "WHat time is it?! 9... *looks out window* AM or PM!???" But I did have a super long dream that I attended a private school (or rather I was "there," because I remember thinking I had graduated.) And there was a crazy crackdown on parties or something and everyone had to get into a huge line in the hall and it was weird and Chinese girls were there? Then there was a library, that had some kind of Harry Potter books -- it was like explaining the Harry Potter universe (as if it were real) inside another fictional universe. Lemony Snicket maybe? I don't remember. Well it's raining and I still have swimmers ear, so I guess I'm not doing Wildwater Kingdom today. What to do, not nap, t...

A Desperate Need for Structure

Oh snap. I am spiraling into a place I do not want to be, and I don't mean Wisconsin. Since school ended, I'm afraid my life has been increasingly without structure - which can be okay in short periods, especially when you're on summer vacation. But I am not on vacation, life has begun. This is the curtain call, and I'm still figuring out what part I'm going to play. Without my Senatorship, Governorship, student teaching position, or any job -- there's no "thing" to work toward everyday. I don't have daily goals! WTF. No twenty things to cram into one day. I have a few things I need to do, find a job obviously, but not much. How does finding a job go you ask? Well I've been applying to schools as I see openings, but there's not much I can do for a summer job because of Circle K's convention. I don't want to apply for a job right now only to have to call off a week right as I'm starting up. I plan to be on the look out, ho...