
Showing posts from May, 2020

Vulcan utensils from Star Trek: Enterprise "Home"

As a lover of props and making a fictional universe seem realistic, Star Trek: Enteprise  did a great job adding new layers to the iconic + historic Vulcans. I recently stumbled upon , what appears to be a reputable gallery of Star Trek props and/or replicas, with a lot of images I haven't seen before - even things not in the "It's a Wrap!" auctions . My favorite find would have to be the Vulcan silverware / utensils that T'Pol, Trip and T'Less ate with in " Home ."  (An episode I've already found especially inspiring in the past, check out my "Eyewitness" artwork here .) Way back in " Broken Bow ", T'Pol noted that Vulcans do not touch their food, cutting a bread stick with a fork and knife. A cool little nod to come up with some interesting alien utensils. Screen-used props are expensive, so I was super excited that I didn't have to Google "bamboo spoons" very far to realize ...