Reason to Worry

dmittedly, I did watch Sarah Palin's Alaska last week. And I DVR'ed it for this week. But as this article points out, that whole 8-week long infomercial is just a political ad keeping in the mind of her supporters how awesome they think she is -- except a turn on the head of political ads, they're actually paying her!?

(Okay, finished with my oatmeal, off to shower before Geography and International Institutions classes,  then have a bunch of homework to finish before my Educational Implementation class!)

Please, please, PLEASE someone tell me she is just a nightmare, and will never actually have a chance in this country to be President...

Quote of the Day: 
"But logic doesn’t apply to Palin. What might bring down other politicians only seems to make her stronger: the malapropisms and gaffes, the cut-and-run half-term governorship, family scandals, shameless lying and rapacious self-merchandising. In an angry time when America’s experts and elites all seem to have failed, her amateurism and liabilities are badges of honor. She has turned fallibility into a formula for success"

- Frank Rich, NYT (11/20/2010) The article listed above
Song of the Day: "I'm Hot" by Angelina Pivarnick. Bahahhahaaaa..... okay, so this is the MOST ANNOYING CHARACTER ON THE JERSEY SHORE. Someone led her to believe she could make a sing-talk rap video? "It's like rapping, but not quite..." There have been many occasions where I called a song particularly bad -- but this is, seriously, the worst - I cannot believe someone even put this out onto the internet. Why is talent not a requirement for getting an album anymore? (She doesn't even have a Wikipedia page! And half the song is actually some Guy...) The lyrics are atrocious. ("I'm Hot, like an Ice Cream Cone...") Lol, on an almost separate note -- Ross is older than most of the Jersey Shore cast...

Website of the Day: "From Old" haha, so in writing my Harry Potter textbook - this site is filled with AWESOME woodcuts and fancy old style letters (like the one used above!) I'm clearly going to be exploring this in detail in the future, and I hope I can hold off til Thanksgiving break, because it's kinda pushing off my homework how distracted I've *been* by it... Ah!


Unknown said…
Hey Andrew, hope things are going well with you. I thought you might find this article interesting.
Patsy said…
So, that "A" is the logo for the show? It looks suspiciously like how I imagine "The Scarlet Letter" A...

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