So, that was 2012 huh...

Well, that year had it's ups and downs, but I think was a pretty un-interesting year overall actually. Sure I got a lot done, but I just don't feel that sense of excitement and adventure I always hope for.

I student taught (man, that seems like forever ago), finished being Circle K Governor, graduated with much family and friend hoopla, went to New Orleans for Circle K and got my wallet stolen, went to the Clinton Presidential Library and Museum in Little Rock, Arkansas; went to my first Anime convention in Maryland, met the Green Power Ranger; picked up Patsy from Camp, visited the Jersey Shore and D.C.; passed the Foreign Service Officer exam; worked on Senator Brown's re-election campaign down in Chillicothe, got him reelected (woohoo!) paid my credit cards down to zero with the earnings from that, now in the process of getting my student loans taken care of so I have no debt to my name going into early 2013. Got myself a PS3, a new phone, mom got me a digital picture frame, and I went to Starbucks and the mall more often than any sane person should. Ever.

See what I mean? Nothing spectacular, I think even during the year many people looked at this as a very "status quo" year - nothing changed, we just kept pace with what we were doing. We got President Obama re-elected, but both the U.S. and Ohio Houses remain in Republican control. The Yaris continues to fall apart, because while I'm financially well off, I refuse to invest in a new car until I get my career in order.

Where I would like to be a year from today, but that's a stretch....

Speaking of career, in January I'll hear back from the State Department (which I am hopeful, but it is always necessary to have multi-tiered back up plans) so I am applying to the Defense Department to teach at a Military Base abroad, Substitute Teach in my area, and I'm applying to a handful of other positions. I remain hesitant to work in food service or any other "entry level, minimum wage" job. I have a degree, damn it, and I'm Andrew: my luck, wit and magic will kick in to get me exactly where I need to be.

Well, I've gotta get off this thing and shower so I can go buy super-late Christmas gifts -- haha. Happy New Year, Internet! Here's hoping 2013 brings more adventures, more trips out of state, out of the country, a solid career, and perhaps some new characters into our lives.

Video of the Day: Wouldn't be a last video of the year if I didn't link to the JibJab 2012 Year in Review. I personally think this one is okay, not as laugh out loud funny as some other of their videos (I'm really disappointed they didn't do an election one this year!)

P.S. Wishes for a speedy recovery for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton! She is currently in the hospital for a blood clot, which is what my Great-Grandfather died of. In our Prayers, Hill-Dawg!

P.P.S. Gallup just released that Hillary Clinton is the Most Admired Woman of the Year for the 11th Year in a Row. She is one of the foremost leaders of our era, and I wonder how many people actually take a second to think about that.


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