Who is Peabo Bryson?

Well not much content today, mainly "of the day" kind of things: woke up early; had lunch with a political consultant for Jimmy Carter and the Campaign Manager for Jesse Jackson;  ASG'ed for a few hours; class; attended an Honors Educators meeting, and LGBTU meeting (ASG has been trying to show a stronger solidarity with them since a recent unfortunate suicide), and finally of course the CKI meeting and dinner afterwards. It was nice to catch up with the CKI folk -- missed last week because of the campaign!

Quote of the Day: The other day in the office the center of conversation surprisingly shifted over to me. Apparently I've been nicer lately or something?

"You've been in a different mood these last few weeks. You're more expressive and happy, did you have like a life changing experience or something?" - Jackie S.

Based on the time period, I suggested my break up as the cause -- but I would have guessed I'd be described as sadder or quieter since then, but apparently not.

Picture of the Day: While checking out today's Gizmodo, I saw this ad for the new Yaris. xD And I just want to say that numerous times I feel I have encountered this sentiment...

Song of the Day: "Where Them Girls At" by David Guetta, ft. Nicki Minaj. This is kind of an older song, but as I find myself in a Nicki Minaj-mood I'm going back and trying to find all the songs that she is featured in but not the lead singer. Most of her earlier work is being featured on other people's songs I've found.

Video breakdown: We start in the city streets when these music-y Ghost Writer bubbles are roaming around, causing people to start dancing like they're possessed by the demon from Paranormal Activity. Turns out it's DJ David Guetta blasting music into the bubbles, while Nicki plays with her robot men and Flo Rida creeps on some pool girls. After that it's just a lot of dancing that's really not all that entertaining, I much prefer some of Nicki Minaj's lyrics:
"Peabe, Peabe, who's Peabo Bryson?
Two years ago I renewed my license.
Anyway; Why'd I start my verse like that?...

"Coming through the club, all the girls in the back of me;
This ain't football, why the f*ck they tryna tackle me!?

Well I don't know why he's relevant, but for those curious: Peabo Bryson is a R&B singer-songwriter who sang the album version of Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin's "A Whole New World", and also the non-Disney song "Missing You" (2007).

Video of the Day: Found this on Gizmodo too, of all places. Hillary Clinton at a photo op in Hawaii, a half naked guy with a torch runs across the background (being "photobombed.") She finds it hilarious.


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