November News

[Didn't finish this in time, so this should have been posted on Black Friday actually, before the previous post...]

Thanksgiving Day went fairly well actually and as we enter Black Friday it's time to acknowledge that November's stay is waning. We have less than 40 days until the year 2012: wow, what a year. There's still plenty of time to do the "Top Lists of 2011" blogs, and the new years resolutions blogs, and all that fun stuff.

But back to Thanksgiving! Aunt Betty and David came over, and the food was fine. Every year I worry if the turkey is just starting to reach room temperature or if mom cooked it properly; next year I'm thinking I may try to take more responsibility for cooking of the dinner. Ya know, cause taking responsibility is one of my pastimes. But it was nice to catch up with Aunt Betty because her connection to the family was Grandpa and she doesn't really have that now.

In other news: The creator of Paranormal Activity Oren Peli is creating a TV series: The River. I think I'll DVR the first episode of that, I imagine it'll be something like Lost but not as good.
Famed explorer Dr. Emmet Cole went looking for magic deep in the uncharted Amazon and never returned. The shocking truth about his disappearance is out there, somewhere, just waiting to be discovered. To the millions of kids who grew up watching his nature show, Dr. Cole was a hero. To his own son, Lincoln, he was more of an enigma.... At the urging of his mother, Tess, Lincoln reluctantly joins her on a search for his father. To fund the rescue, they agree to let Dr. Cole's cagey ex-producer, Clark, film the mission documentary-style....

I don't think I've mentioned it, but as I write this I'm watching "A Very Gaga Thanksgiving." Why the heck does this exist, lol? Oh well, it's actually been pretty entertaining. Her rendition of White Christmas, with her added lyrics weren't half bad. She mentioned how such a classic song only has one verse, so she added:

"I'm dreaming of a white snowman
With a carrot nose, and charcoal eyes
Oh, and when he cries, I'm gonna tell'm it's okay
Because santa's on his sleigh, and he's on his way..."

While checking out the iTunes store (curious what the last song I paid for was) and considering buying something off Lady Gaga's holiday special (I did not) -- I saw that Punk Goes Pop 4 is out! Based on the iTunes reviews, everyone seems pretty displeased that all the bands are too poppy and it's not really punk/rock versions of the songs. Some songs covered include "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)", "Rolling in the Deep", "We R Who We R", and "Super Bass."

Song of the Day: "Little Lion Man" covered by Tonight Alive. ...after listening to some of the songs on this CD, wow. 1. I agree that most of this is still pretty poppy. 2. Most of this is just generally bad. But this song is more tolerable, I think I would have to hear it a few more times to determine if I find it legit good or not though.

Quote of the Day: "You're not gay, you're just really really vain." - Dee, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

[Woah! I had no idea that was the first episode! Haha...wait, I thought I'd already seen the first episode? Wow, there's only like a dozen episodes per season.]


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