"...of the Year" (2010)

"...hit call all you want, but there's no one home..."

Good News of the Day: According to a Gallup poll asking American who they admire most, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ranked "Most Admired Woman of the Year" for the 9th straight year! Woop Woop! 17% of Americans say they admire her most, with 12% saying Palin (who made second place for the second year in a row.) Third place was Oprah.

Bad-... well, I suppose this is also Good News of the Day actually: Sarah Palin on the other hand, has won the well-deserved "Misinformer of the Year" title for all her cockamamie lies and deceptions - ranging all over from her reality show to those imaginary "death panels." Haha, here's to another year of her crazy zaniness and annoying methods of insulting Democrats while making herself look like uneducated.

Best Selling Album of the Year: The Fame (Monster) by Lady Gaga! WoooOOOOO! Lady Gaga's next album, "Born This Way" will be released February 19th, 2011 -- and Lady Gaga has said she'll be releasing the cover art of her new album at midnight on New Years!

The Second Worst Movie of the Year: The Last AirbenderI didn't actually go to look at what the worst film was, but having sat through this one - omg, it was awful. Rushed, poorly written, badly acted... just a headache of a movie. The special effects were awesome, and as Sarah put it, the only thing that likely saved it from "WORST movie of the Year."

Song/Video of the Day: (Note: Not of the Year) "So Long to Ya 2010!" by JibJab. BAHAHAhahahaha! Another great video describing all the events of the year, though as some people somewhere noted: it doesn't really hit on many of the cultural events, and focuses primarily on the political. That would definitly be the ONE downside. To make up for that, I've found this AWESOME Blog the JibJab people keep of how they made the video!


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