2012: The End is Near!

I'm not talking about the Mayan calendar, rather the fact that I will be graduating soon and will need to find adult things to do with my time! Sometimes I really wonder what I will do without student organizations to eat up all my time. And then I stop thinking that, because I need to catch up on all the student organization-things I have to do :(

I'm not complaining! I am already starting my list of things to do upon graduation actually. First, Graduation party, obviously. Give my family a chance to see the new house -- as they probably haven't been here. And at Christmas we were talking about how rarely we all get together, especially with this last fail-of-a-Christmas when like no body showed up?!

My Governor-ship is winding down, thank goodness, and I look forward to the freetime that will afford me. I have already spoken with my heir-apparent about potentially offering up my services as On-to-International-Convention chair should he deem it necessary. Plus I myself am looking forward to going to International Convention this year in New Orleans -- so I plan to make that trip kinda awesome if I can! In fact, earlier today at the bookstore I was thinking about maybe spending more time than just the Circle K trip down there. Maybe I'll get there early or stay late and just enjoy the city without having to think about CKI.

Then next year, hopefully I will either join Kiwanis (of Stow or where I hope to get a job teaching -- Medina.) Maybe serve as "Young Professional Recruitment Chair" or something. But in the short-long term, I hope to get a teaching job at one school in particular, and be involved in their Key Club since their current adviser isn't even faculty as far as I can tell?

As for fun things, ever the materialist consumer, I really have almost all the "things" I want at this point in my life! My new bed, desk, my TV and cable is all I could want, more computer things than I need, and an outstanding phone, and car. I guess I could continue work on getting the hybrid car I hope to have some day. Then of course there's that Charmed Dictionary stand I am constantly in want of.

I want Silent Hill to be a larger part of my life, haha. Maybe I'll finally invest in a PS2 or 3 and play that again.

Finally, hobby-wise, I am considering "Book binding" as a hobby - haha, random, I know. But I love the books and props from my favorite shows that make them seem more realistic, and there are a bunch of shows' books that no one has really made replicas that are both 1. affordable and 2. live up to my standards. So clearly, it is my job. I would love to make replicas of Charmed, Sabrina, Harry Potter, Wizards of Waverly Place, etc. magic books! And other books in general.

Quote of the Day: *walking through the living room, mom watching TV*
Me: "....is that iCarly?!"
Mom: "Yup."
Me: "....do you even understand the concept of this show?"
Mom: "....well, it-.... no, not really."
Me: "Yeah... maybe you should go check out it's Wikipedia article..."
Song of the Day: "I Like It Like That" by Hot Chelle Rae. Oh good, the band that brought us such philosophical ballads as "laa laa laa, laaa laaa laa" is back with more music that really doesn't contribute anything to the greater good of our race. The lyric that sticks out in my head for this one though is "missed my ride home, lost my iPhone..." Once again, what are they singing? They like things. They're happy. Good for freakin them? The video is just them on their tour bus, or on their tour. They're making money off of this? Really? Catchiness, B+; Content, F; Creativity, F. So in other words, another successful Pop Hit!

Video of the Day: Stanley from "The Office" must have hired that firm that made Rebecca Black's video, because he is the star of a music video. Capital W-T-F???! It includes parodies of LMFAO (LMNOP) and a bunch of random other references to pop culture. W-T-F- seriously.


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