Torn Down Aurora House/Farm

Well, explored this abandoned building back in July of 2011, but it was after my ex had broken my camera so I only have pictures from my cellphone, which went massively unorganized until I decided to empty it a few weeks ago. So now I'm getting back to blogging about the adventures I missed over the last year do to lack of pictures.

I first spotted this house en route to Aurora Outlets I think from the street, and we had to park in like a cul-de-sac artificial suburb and run across a busy street to explore it. And then it started raining, so we didn't explore it in that much detail -- but I was more eager to actually get inside the structure and take some pictures so I have something to show for it.

Alas, within a few months, the house, barn and any evidence of the place has been torn down.

Song of the Day: "Both Sides Now" by Carly Rae Jepsen. This came up on "recently added" on my iPod while I was in the park last night, and I actually listened to it and it's not that bad. It starts with her seeing clouds "from both sides," ya know, being down to Earth and being on top of the world in the airplane of success (or w/e.) And then it's about having seen love and life "from both sides," acknowledging once you've seen life from both sides you "really don't know life at all." Oh well, I may not be able to explain it, but it's still kinda cool.

Oh, she didn't actually write this song (surprised?) apparently it's a classic "Joni Michell" song...

Quote of the Day: "I just feel like she's going to pull out all the southern cliche's, like "Eric, ya know, sometimes, ya just don't know sometimes.""  - Eric, mocking Jemmey from Real World: XXIV New Orleans, first episode.

Watching this while I reminisce about my ICON/LSSP trip and do some online work.


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