2008: Endorsement Video Script

Hahaha, okay, so you may or may not know this about me: but I am a packrat/hoarder. Not really, I definitely know when it's time to throw things away and I hate clutter -- but I like to keep records (digital and otherwise) whenever possible, and if it doesn't need to be deleted, it can be hidden somewhere else.

So, waaay back in the day, circa January 2008: the University of Akron CKI held a meeting to endorse candidates for District Office (if you don't know what any of this means, now is not the time to explain.) At the time, I wanted to run for District Treasurer (haha, I remember the days when we could convince people - MULTIPLE people to run for this office!) Anyway, part of the process is to get endorsed by the club. I was worried, for some reason, the club would not endorse me if I was not present (because they happened to hold their club meeting on a day I was going to be down in D.C. for President Obama's inauguration!) So, I prepared a script for a video I was going to film, and have them show at the meeting. Unfortunately, I did not get to filming it (ANY of it, actually.) But the script is none the less entertaining, and I thought I'd share it with you.

Treasurer Endorsement Video - 01/2008
[Me in my dorm, at my Desk]
"Members of the University of Akron Circle K,

[Look to "back left of room"]
Kiwanis Representative,

[Back to Generic stare]
and guests. Thank you for coming to tonight's meeting. If I could just have a few moments of your time, I would like to ask for your endorsement in my campaign for District Treasurer.

[Cut to me in DC/Capitol in Background]
Now, unfortunately, I cannot be with you at the meeting tonight because I'm in Washington D.C. for the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. But trust me, I wish I could be there, and not just because the temperature here is _[cold]_ degrees.

[Cut to me at Location 2]
As you may know, in Circle K politics - there is the club, district, and national level. The district is in our case analogous to the state of Ohio.

[Indicate my Ohio Poster behind me]

I am running for the Treasurer of our district, and would be responsible for tracking and assisting club treasurers in the dues collection and financial planning for all 24 clubs in Ohio, as well as  monitoring and reporting on the district budget to the district governor and board.

I believe I am the right person for this position because I am excellent at keeping detailed accurate records, skilled at financial planning and budgeting, and I also believe I have the leadership qualities to promote the fellowship between the clubs of our district.

[Photo from Colorado ICON]
This summer, I attended the Circle K International Convention in Denver, Colorado and served in the house of delegates to discuss and understand the recent changes to the dues system. A vital requirement of a district treasurer.

[Cut to me]
"Now you may disagree with me politically, you may not find any of my jokes funny, but I think you know I'm a pretty good guy. So now I am asking you, my peers, to vote to endorse me, Andrew --, for District Treasurer. Thank you.

[Logo, fade to black.]
[Come back!]
*puts change in cup.*
"And I'm perky because I GOT TO GO TO INAUGURATION! EEE!"

[cut to black, end.]


Haha, I did not end up running for Treasurer unfortunately, but I do believe I was endorsed without the video. Man, I shoulda did this, it'd be hilarious to look at now.


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