Once Upon a Time... in Maine

So, I don't think I've actually blogged about it yet -- but my new favorite TV show is "Once Upon a Time." Set in Storybrooke, Maine - it tells the tale of an evil queen who has magically cursed "all the fairy tale characters that you know and love" into real life, forgetting who they really are. Yadda yadda yadda, adventures drama romance and intrigue.

My favorite character is by far the evil queen, Regina -- just everything about her character and acting is awesome. Plus her "reality" character is the Mayor of the City, which appeals to my political feels as well. But every morning after Once Upon a Time (OUAT) airs, I wonder: what fairy tale character would I be? I wonder no longer!

In Storybrooke, Evil wears a Pantsuit

To celebrate the completion of my Honors project (well, sortof) I was googling around and could not remember the actual story of Puss in Boots. I know the character, from Shrek, but I don't know what his original story was. After reading his Wikipedia article, I'd like to claim Puss in Boots for my own.
"...a French literary fairy tale about a cat who uses trickery and deceit to gain power, wealth, and the hand of a princess in marriage for his penniless and low-born master. The tale was written at the close of the seventeenth century by Charles Perrault (1628–1703), a retired civil servant and member of the Académie française...."

Trickery and deceit to gain power and wealth? Count me in! French? Double score!

Picture of the Day: Saw this on Facebook,

Quote of the Day: "Sometimes I hate you and your magic." - Patsy, about my ability to turn things in late, and still manage to make sure everything works out in my favor in the end.


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