Vulcan Medical Poster project

Hello avid reader! Whether you care or not, I'm going to talk about: the fact that the Vulcan medical poster I've been working on is complete! I'm so excited :D

I'm sure you know by now that I love things that make fiction seem real -- and in line with this, I've always wanted my own Star Trek props!!! Since the actual ones can go for thousands of dollars, and I am a poor college student, I must be creative and make my own: and designing a poster is pretty easy, especially when I've been practicing with Inkscape and Vector art for the last year.

(To the right of the right-most Vulcan's head) Screen cap from "Stigma"

This idea started as a poster seen in the background of the ST: Enterprise episode "Stigma" at the Vulcan offices at an alien Medical Conference. It may have been reused again in a later episode, in the background of a Vulcan ship's sickbay. (Oh hey look, it was!)
(To the left of T'Pol's head on the wall.) Screen cap from "Impulse"

Well as you can see, it didn't get much screen time or detail on screen - but luckily, when a bunch of Star Trek props were sold at "Christie's Hollywood Auctions" -- these medical posters were among the items sold. In fact, these two listed below sold for $2,640. Another similar medical poster also used in these two episodes sold for a whopping $20,211.99, which was even more than most Trek prop-collector-experts expected!

(Picture of the prop, from the auction. Too low quality to print up :/)

For the sake of being thorough, even though most of my friends that read this probably won't care, the auction listing read:
"Two posters mounted on black sheet plastic, each depicting a stylized medical diagram featuring Vulcan script writing with paint oversprayed to simulate age, both -- 22x22in. -- designed by Timothy Earls and featured in the Vulcan medical center in "Stigma" in Star Trek: Enterprise and again in the doomed Vulcan ship in "Impulse" in Star Trek: Enterprise (2)"

Anyway, I think I'll print up my version (which is even higher resolution than I uploaded here) and put it on my wall! Lol

Video of the Day: Yellowtail Wine commercial: "Go To" -- haha, this was on TV the whole morning during Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. It's very retro-modern art-sy. My favorite line would have to be "I just love that Kangaroo-- " Zips Pride baby!

Song of the Day: "Lighters" by Eminem ft. Bruno Mars. The song is kinda catchy, I can't help but think wow is Eminem old, and why did Bruno Mars have to be a crack addict. My favorite line is in direct violation of one of my petpeeves, which is songs that rhyme the same word with themselves: "Had a dream, I was king; I woke up, still king..." Haha, the video is pretty bland -- with the exception of that awesome underground abandoned tunnel/hidden passage in Eminems living room!? Metaphor or not, me wants.


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