"We can rebuild her — We have the technology!"

Oh, mother... a constant source of frustration and unequivocal support and faith at the same time. For weeks, I've been saying I'd take her to buy a new jacket - because the one she got was a hand-me-down from a family friend, and it just looks ridiculous to me -- it looks like it's got a little skirt attached to it :-(

One of the many areas I wish I could improve mom - is fashion. She wears the strangest clothes. Oh if I could get her to watch and learn from "What Not to Wear"... a show she would fit right into! She has no problem with wearing clothes that look dirty, stained, grungy, or really old (some shirts she admits having since I was born.) For as long as I can remember, she almost never buys clothes. She takes David and my hand-me-downs (mainly shirts and belts), or random packages from distant relatives. But for the past few years, when I get the time and hit the frustration level - I take her out shopping, give her my critical opinions, and she usually comes home with a few things she likes. (Sometimes she ends up wearing them, but often she thinks they look too nice so they end up living in the closet until some special occasion like family Christmas.)

We spent the afternoon watching Suze Orman, as mom's way of showing me she was serious about improving her financial future! I still wish she dressed more like Suze.

Today though -- shopping went well! I told her I wanted her to have clothes that were nice, informal, but formal enough that she could come to a campaign event for my upcoming internship and I would not be too embarrassed. A pantsuit-y kinda jacket, matching shirt, and a shirt or two else that looked good and airy for Summer, and off the clearance rack -- a Pea Coat! One that made her look not just like a normal person, but an almost fashionable woman of her age! I was so proud n.n

This afternoon, we went to Grandpa and My favorite Chinese Restaurant in the area - Tai Wah. I told the owner about Grandpa's passing (him and I went there almost every time I visited Stow) and she was pretty saddened, and mentioned how she'd seen me grow up and now I'm almost done with college! I just love it when restaurants remember you. She mentioned to mom that Grandpa and I did SO much talking over the years -- which is true, that restaurant holds special memories for me - I interrogated Grandpa about really everything he knew there trying to understand him, history, and our family.

But back on topic -- I had the special talk with mom trying to determine the color of her parachute. She knows I'm unhappy with her job at a cleaning company - cause I know she can do more, but now she's fine with mediocrity, and trying to convince her to not be fine and take initiative has been just as difficult as it has been with David. But she's willing to do stuff, return to school, learn Computers (she's going to a class at the Akron library coming up) - but the trick is finding a job she wants to get in the end, seeing what her ideal life would be!

We may have taken steps to that today. I got her to strongly think about it, and she might like getting a job with PBS or in the non-profit organization sector. So now it's just a matter of the two of us researching that (because as you know I have nothing but free time) and making it happen! I totally see potential in her, and it's really comforting. n.n David on the other hand, is still a challenge, but one thing at a time...

Website of the Day: "Damn You Auto Correct.com" -- ROFLMAO, this site is HILarious! Amanda told me about I think, it's a FML-style site of cellphones autocorrecting text messages and being annoying to the owner, Hilarious to us! Go check'm out, but like any FML/TFLN-style website, it is addicting. (So long, productivity!)

Song of the Day: "Fluorescent Adolescent" by Arctic Monkeys. Today I read an article that said Myspace had lost another 10 million users in just one month January - February 2011. The Wikinews article mentioned that at it's height, Myspace had discovered such musicians as "Lily Allen, Kate Nash, and the Arctic Monkeys." So since I'd heard of the first two (and liked them,) thought I'd look up the Monkeys...


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