Mornings & Blue Raspberries

Good morning followers and random googlers, because I have a quota of about 10 blogs a month I like to hit (and I'm sadly failing) I thought I'd share some interesting tidbits about my mornings, and food.

My morning: shower, go to the normal websites to check for updates (Facebook, my Akron email) usually liking or commenting on one or two things; go to HGTV Dream and register for my Vermont ski lodge which I'm going to win -- because it has a guest "dorm" bedroom for 8 people, and a fireplace next to the hot tub, and "microwave oven drawers" in the Kitchen, and its pretty much all around awesome. Check Wikipedia and CNN news [Politics], gotta be aware of whats going on each morning. Check my blogs I follow - most of which come from "Secretary Clinton" (about the daily appointments of the Secretary) and "The Life Diplomatic" (a blog of a guy's first assignment in the Foreign Service.) Both incredibly interesting, I think. But a new one I found the other day was a local Restaurant reviewer that I'm def going to need to go and read the past posts of: "Exploring Food My Way."

Speaking of food, those who have read Patsy's wall (on Facebook) over the past couple months have likely discovered a shocking truth. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A BLUE RASPBERRY! I am shocked, that is like my favorite flavor--- but it turns out "Blue" is a flavor? What a strange world. You don't understand -- for years until I was 21 I was hoping for a non-alcoholic Blue drink at restaurants. Here is a list of similarly mistaken or weird colored foods that I thought was an interesting link, lol

But wouldn't cha know it didn't end there. This week in my "Science and Technology in World History" class we were learning about early agriculture and horticulture. And it turns out, what we think of as Corn, is NOT NATURAL! CORN ON THE COB DOESN'T EXIST!

On the far right, we have what we think of as "corn." But it turns out -- natural corn is on the far left, and is not really edible. It took years of genetic mutations and Frankenstein-ing to make the corn on the far right. In fact it's genetic code is so weak, if you put corn kernels in the ground they probably wouldn't grow. Corn is completely farmed by people and needs a lot of care, in fact I think my "The World after People" book mentioned corn as we know it would go extinct pretty quickly.

News Article of the Day: Apparently the cash-strapped state-Government of New York is selling crap from it's store rooms (what a great way to make money and clear space! A garage sale!) by selling Government stuff on eBay. Didn't Palin put a Governor's helicopter on eBay or something? Haha, I'm searching for it, I wanna see some cool stuff their selling.

Song of the Day: "Yeah x3" by Chris Brown. OH WAIT, I Hate Chris Brown! >( err. Oh well, the story makes it worth it. So this song is average, nothing special at all. Even the title is just very every urban poppy song. But last night we went to Cici's with Kayla and when the lyrics ("Yeah! Yeah, yeah...") came on -- Brittany sang "Yeah, Times, three...." (like how the title is spelled) and I cracked up. Thought it was HILARIOUS. Still think it's hilarious today, lolz @ Brit!

Haha, I think I might have considered using this as a song of the day in the past then didn't cause I remember watching this music video -- Hahaha, I like the way it starts with a bunch of little kids "Hey! It's Chris Brown!" which is ridiculous and not realistic, and that's really the best part of that... (Watching it again) Actually I take that back, the one part of this I do like it the kung fu moves... cause I kinda feel like repeating them when ever I hear the song in the car haha...The last 2/3rds of it are actually kinda on the odd/bad side. And his pink suit with white shorts is just awful...


Tino said…
AJ, thanks for sharing the link to my food blog. Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions or suggestions.

Tom Noe
Exploring Food My Way
Unknown said…
sdsfghyuxc vyfdhewbauszxdyfrghgyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy22222222222222222222222222222
Unknown said…
Ummm sorry my dahter is pressing random... she changd my acont
Unknown said…
sdsfghyuxc vyfdhewbauszxdyfrghgyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy22222222222222222222222222222
Unknown said…
Lydia said…
Unknown said…
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttdx toot butt poop <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>=======================================================================================+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++___________________________________________________________________________-
Drew N said…
This is aa great post thanks
Drew N said…
Very creaative post

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