The Final Countdown (to PRAXIS)

Well Ladies and Gents, it's the first Friday of Spring semester - and do you know what that means? Tomorrow I take one of the final major-est tests of my college career. The Praxis II: PLT, I need to pass this and one other test to become a licensed teacher (not to mention student teach, take more classes, honors project, etc.) And it's this Saturday morning. o.o

I'm a little tense about it, I wouldn't say worried is the word - but as for any test, I could've studied more. This one is basically on the psychology of students, what-to-do in situations kind of things. I've heard its pretty easy but I'm not gonna let that lull me into a false sense of security.

But I'm not gonna let it bring my life to a halt either. The next Praxis (which is in my content area, Social Studies) is about a month from now. (Wish my luck on both!) I need to pass both to student teach, so I've alotted myself some time between now and Spring 2012.

Well, I've slept in a bit to make up for being up 24+ hours the other day to work 12a-6am. x_X (I don't know how I managed to make it through that without blogging?!) But now I'm gonna take care of some things, then class: "Science and Technology in World History." (It's modeled very similarly to how my Ohio History class was, tons of lecture, a few tests, and a GIANT research project.) Hm, I just had an idea to write my giant research project (on some technological development in history) on how Star Trek has inspired the Cell Phone!

Picture of the Day: Haha, Amanda found this one: What a Pokemon map would look like for gameboy -- SET IN AMERICA! Cleveland is on here I think? I joked that despite the fact the map has no direct route between Mexico and America, there's an underground Diglette drug tunnel near the border I'm sure.


Patsy said…
you actually do not need to pass the PLT to student teach, fyi...
Also good luck! Just pace yourself because it's LONG and you want to be able to finish.
Anonymous said…

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