Legislation Exacerbation

Well, it's been a busy month. And to be honest, I've just been too exhausted in my free time to blog! Even my Desk Manager at Honors has commented on how I haven't been as bubbly as I used to be this semester. But I'm enjoying the business, and the productivity it has spawned.

In ASG this past week, I got my second piece of legislation on the agenda (where most senators have yet to get their first.) My first one was Wind Turbines, the second: free parking on weekends. This was an easy thing, rather than weeks of research like with the wind turbines - this was just changing the policy to reflect what is enforced, and what most other Universities around do as well. We don't ticket for not showing a parking pass on weekends at the University of Akron, but out policy says we ticket 24/7 and visitors must pay 6$ to get into an unmanned lot. That's ridiculous, because no body uses the lot - everyone parks in the deck - but if someone did Want to follow the rules, they would be getting punished! Silliness I tell you. This signage on the picture above is misleading for a number of reasons... My goal is to have another "simple, logical" piece of legislation for the November 5th ASG meeting.

Well, I'm going to experiment with shorter more frequent blogs. But I do want to share this exciting fact the maintenance person just shared with me: the Honors Complex switched over to "Heating" today (as opposed to Air Conditioning) but someone forgot to turn all the valves or something. The Shirt-Shop, under the Honors Complex's vent system was spewing out 107° air!

I have a deep philosophical question for you: why is the degree symbol not on our keyboards, but symbols like ` and | is? I bet no one could even tell you what a | is! Oh. Well I guess the vertical bar is to signify absolute value. Well phewey. But mathematicians should not have domain over our laptop keyboards! Demand a degree symbol I tell you! And maybe even the euro logo.

Song of the Day: "Bones" by The Killers. I've been trying to expand my music based on individual songs I like, and this one popped out as one that I don't think was too popular that I liked. Other bands I've been looking into include Blue October. Oh, well there was a video so I guess it was some popular. *watches* ummmmm that was strange, though I suppose not entirely unexpected. Interesting.... um, wow. Now I'm thirsty.

Website of the Day: I meant to post this a few weeks ago, but Patsy beat me to it by a mere few hours - and I didn't want to seem like I was copying off her. But Catalog Living is by far one of the funniest things on the internet. This was cemented into law by the following video:


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