
11:48 p. - 12:23 a: Japanese "Listening Comprehension" worksheet. Listened to "Genkides 2: Track 02" ten times.

(Unrelated to my schedule, see below for music reference. The Japanese characters behind the sword above by the way read: "Kee-Ru Bee-Ru" or, not surprisingly, "Kill Bill." See, I'm studying!)

12:23 a. - 12:31 a: Assisted residents looking for somewhere to project a movie on a big screen. After the R.A. on duty shot them down, I suggested they check if the classrooms downstairs were left unlocked.

1:10 a. - 1:46 a: Paused to chat with Erin who came to visit me. Erin's awesome, and writing a section of the Circle K award paper - YAY for helpfulness!

1:47 a. - 2:13 a: Chatted with Sarah online. I love her, and what's she doing up? Sigh. How much easier our relationship would be without Circle K. No wonder everyone in this org are single ladies or gay guys.

2:13 a. - 3:04 a: Returns to content reading project. At 2:22, only 4 more short answers to go. Well that math didn't add up correctly actually. 2 short answers to go at 2:47 a.

3:05 a - 3:08a: Emailed new finished project to Teacher. Blah, 10% off 2/3rd of it, full credit on the first third, you do the math, I'm too tired...

3:10 - 3:14 a: Emailed Kiwanis advisor regarding Patsy's essay for her Leadership award.

3:19 a - 3:26a : Grades and comments from E³ class are in for two projects. I got a 27/30 (90%) and second 12/12. I am one of 4 students in a class of 29 to get 100 on Reading Critiques so far n.n Interseting comments. I included in my Cultural Autobiography stuff about "Garfield Heights people's high expectations for movie theaters, and low expectations for construction." I got a "Rich Description!"

until 3:45 a: Emailed contact at the "International Institue of Akron" to find times for my required service learning hours. Gotta get those by Wednesday to turn in. I get to volunteer to help foreign born people in the Akron in some educational-for-them way. WooHoo! Hopefully I'll get to practice my Japanese, Korean or German.

3:50a: Hopefully head home and go to sleep! :( Gotta be up at 9 to get print things for College Dems, study for Japanese major test, deliver papers, take Japanese major test, table for College Dems in Union from noon to 1. SIGHz x10)

Song of the Day:
"Young Folks" by Peter Bjorn and John. Found this on the American Eagle Pandora page, I like it. Haha, watching the start of the music video reminds me of Patsy triyng to learn to whistle. Also, a little bit of the whistling song from Kill Bill. Another song I liked off this, Song of the Day runner-up was "ABC's" by K'naan.


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