Grande Finale/Song of the...

(Comment, from the future!!!) Haha, I put this off waaay too long and don't remember what I was going to write. But I had the songs so I'll just leave those.

Song of the Day: I don't know it's Korean name, but it's some happy birthday-y kind of song that all the Korean students sang *at* Sean earlier, it roughly translates into "he who doesn't sing, doesn't find a woman." He then sang a song in front of everyone at the wedding place!!! It was awesome! Khaled also sang a song in Moroccan in front of everyone at the wedding place, which recieved great applause! Excellent job to both for singing on a stage like that!!! At a podium no less.

Song of the Month: (Not of the day, so as to avoid repeats.) And the song of the month is.... anyone in UIP guessed it, "NOBODY" by the "WONDER GIRLS!" This was the unofficial (if not downright Official) theme song for the UIP program! A hit (a year ago) in South Korea, we're gonna do what we can to drag it over to the U.S.! After I lent my copy around to people to rip onto their labtops, and James bought a single of his own. Anyway, at the final goodbye Graduation ceremony there was a 15 minute video of all the pictures the photographer had taken from the trip. And as the video began, a grin crossed my face as the first song immediatly came to mind! HAHAHA, even the staff recognized this song as the UIP song -- I love it! It's so hard not to clap to it n.n and afterall, as Alan put it: "This song is perfect for UIP, cause I don't want nobody but you guys!" Later at the dance club, and even later-er at Kareoke you know we all had to play this song like 3 or 4 time -- lol. (Lyrics, English Music Video)


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