
So ends the second-to-last episode of the season. But don't worry, The TV Show that is My Life may be going on hiatus for a month - but you can still follow our made-for-TV-movie! Andrew Goes To Korea!

Countdown to Korea: 20 hours.

Well it's been a busy last episode or two X_X I've been shuffled office to office all over the University of Akron to get the last form filled out before I can leave. Turns out -- the History department doesn't keep any advisers on campus for summer (unlike ALL THE OTHER DEPARTMENTS) so I'm going to have to email and fax while I'm in Korea. On top of that, I got my first bloody parking ticket ><;;;; ERRRRR!!!! On campus, it's only 25$ but I'm still pissed. And ya know how Akroners get one free parking ticket? Well you need to have a parking pass to do that. You Need A Parking Pass, to get rid of your ticket, for Not having A PArking PASS!? ARRR

It's just been a very frusterating week. The upside has definitly been I've argued Verizon into giving me my new upgrade early - so despite previous reports to the contrary, I will be able to call and txt and facebook from Korea! I have the new Blackberry Storm, its so perty n.n

In other news, my bff's are arranging a dinner in honor of my leaving at Mongolian Barbecue in Coventry -- I may make fun of Moon to much, but she really is the bestest!!! Now I just have to pack and get my final things in order before then.

Well this is my second to last post from the United States, I'll update you on our season finale later. I think I'll get to packing and the other tons of things I have to do before I leave and tonight!

Song of the Day: Party All The Time by the Black Eyed Peas. You guessed it - another B.E.P. song. I LOVE this new album!!!

"If If We Could Party All Night
And Sleep All Day
And Throw All Of My Problems Away
My Life Would Be Eaaasy...
My Life Would Be Eaaasy...
I Would Drink And Go Out, Out
With My Crew
Party, Party all night
Yeah, That's What I Do

Housemate perk of the day: Clearly my future roommates will be able to answer any and all technology questions I have, based on the extended conversation about my phone they've been having on my facebook -- lol.


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