Sad excuses for MTV Reality Shows

Ahahaha, Oh man. Paris Hilton's New BFF is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. And before I can even make fun of that, there's a new "Shot at Love with a Bi-Hottie" show - this time it's twins! Oh boy. Reality television is crazying.

So Arianna Huffington (political commentator, owner of a political newspaper) was on The Daily Show promoting a new book on blogging, and I was like "hm, I made that blog, time to actually work on it!" I made like, 3 mini-paragraph blogs that I didn't finish so I didn't want to post it. But here's just whatever I'm thinking.

Next week is finals week, woo. Semesters almost over, and winter breaks almost here. What will I do this winter? Better get my freakin licence already. Jesus, I mean seriously. But before that even, I have another week of stuff to take care of, including project due dates, finals to study for, and shifts I picked up.

Quote of the Day:
"Oh, hot shizzle! This is Mrs. Frizzle!" - A bumper sticker on Erin's facebook. Man, I've gotta find that and add it to my own!


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