Quick Blurb

So today I had an interview for an open position on the UA ASG Judicial Branch, for a justice position. Wooo, hope that goes well, I think I did pretty well, knew the responcibilities but wasn't actually asked about them (actually he read them to me.)

Quote of the Day:
"I hope [boy] makes [son] very happy, cause when my parents see this they're going to disown me!" - Asian mom on "Date My Mom" on VH1 very very happily saying hilarious phrase. Me and Sarah cracked up!

Song of the Day:
"Ur So Gay" ~ Katy Perry. Lol, this song is kinda weird, not quite sure what it means but unfortunately it has the same beat and feel as every Katy Perry song so I'll probably tire of it quickly. Interesting lyric: "You're so gay, and you don't even like boys!"
[Link for music video]


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